Formed in 2006, BUILDINGS is a three piece from Minneapolis. Their music is loud, aggressive, and dynamic. Melt Cry Sleep was the band's 2nd full-length, and the follow up to 2008's self-released Braille Animal (recently reissued on doubleplusgood). Engineer, Jacques Waite (off with their heads, motion city soundtrack) and mastering engineer Bob Weston (shellac) perfectly reigned in the band's furious energy, allowing the 10 tightly wound tracks on Melt Cry Sleep room to breathe in contrast to their raw & visceral live sets.Now the band will release its highly anticipated 3rd LP "You are not one of us" recorded in world famous Pachyderm Studios. Engineered by Nick Tveitbakk and mastered by Adam Tucker at Singature Tone Recordings, these 11 tracks show Buildings maturing into a band that can not only produce gut wrenching, noise but at the same time blur the lines that divide many rock sub-genres – punk, noise rock, post hardcore all come to mind – and end up with a sound that is dynamic, raw and absolutely massive. Nothing is held back in terms of energy and aggression, but its executed in a way that is entirely organic. Something that you can bang your head and sing along to.New Buildings album is being released through Antena Krzyku in Europe and Gilead Media in the States.Buildings will be touring Europe in the Spring of 2017.April 20th- Paris, France - Espace B *April 21st - La Rochelle, France - Aion Bar *April 22nd- Basque Country, Spain *April 23rd- Don Benito, Spain *April 24th- Lisbon, Portugal *April 25th- TBAApril 26th- Pau, France - La Ferronerie *April 27th- Bayonne, France - Le Magneto *April 28th - Bordeaux, France - somewhere *April 29th- Lorient, France - Le Galion *May 1st- Hamburg, Germany - MolotowMay 2nd- Ghent, Belgium - AfsnisMay 3rd- Liege, Belgium - La ZoneMay 4th- Brussels, Belgium - Magasin 4May 5th- Siegen, Germany- VEBMay 6th- Zurich, Switzerland- Obenuse festMay 7th- Bologna, IT- Club FreakoutMay 8th- Munich, Germany - Sunny RedMay 9th- Wroclaw, Poland - Carpe DiemMay 10th- Krakow, Poland - WarsztatMay 11th- Warsaw, Poland - PoglosMay 12th- Poznan, Poland - Somewhere
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