Dead Bob "Life Like" LP, yellow/red/black splatter, release 04|10|24, preorder
As might be expected the songs roll out cohesively but defy the cookie cutters and pigeon holes hence "Genre" is a tough one to convey but one thing that is not unclear is it is not to be listened to quietly! Play loud and enjoy!
Just Breathe - Written by Byron Slack and John Wright, extra guitars by
Byron too.
White Stone Eyes - Written by Robert Wright and John Wright
Like LIke - Written by Robert Wright and John Wright with additional lead
and backing vocals by Selina Martin
No Tomorrows - Additional Bass guitar by Byron Slack, acoustic rhythm
Guitar by Aidan Wright and trumpets by Kristy Lee Audette
That was too Easy - Written by Ford Pier and John Wright
One of You - Additional backing vox, Byron Slack and Kristy Lee Audette
Recorded and Produced by John Wright
Mastered by Jacob Krauss
Graphic art by Gisele Grignet
Original cover art by John Wright
Original painting by PS Krebs (hard copy)
Pro Gear - Scott Henderson, Tom Holliston, Cecil English, Al Stepaniuk,
Craig Vishek, Aidan Wright
Many Thanks to- Patti Torgersen and Craig Bougie, Paddy Duddy, Dave
Clark, Jacob Krauss, Naslund Brousseau, and Wendy!